Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catching up.

Hi... I know I'm getting lazy about posting... I'll try to be better... Here are some pictures we've taken over the last month or so! :-) She's almost sitting up on her own, talking A LOT, and started "scooting"... or at least trying to get up on her knees. Also we've started giving her rice cereal at dinner time. She's becoming such a big girl!

Daddy gave her an M&M... Bad Daddy.

Learning to play Phase 10!

Wearing Daddy's hat!

Bath time... Mohawk!

PLaying in her Jump-a-roo.

We met up with the people from our birthing class so our babies could meet! :-)

Lyla was not impressed with being in the center and having her pacifier stolen. :-)

Sledding in Leavenworth!

Vincent was nice enough to share his puppy bed with Lyla

Baby Lyla snowman

Playing with the teether the Tracy's bought her.

Trying on her new bathing suit! :-)

Out for a stroll