Sunday, September 26, 2010

35 weeks!

Hi mom! :-) 35 weeks today!!!!! Thought I would post this so you can see how HUGE my belly has gotten! Love you! I'll call you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Room so far!

Hi Mom! Just wanted to share what we have finished in Lyla's room so far! :-) I'm super excited! It's all becoming so real now! :-) Nate's mom made the letters on the wall... The crib was Nate's when he was a baby (but we refinished it) and the toy box I stained and finished pretty much by myself! I'm so proud of what is finished so far!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Shower

HI mom! :-)I don't look very sexy in these pictures but I wanted to share them with you anyway! I had a baby shower over the weekend. Some super nice girls I use to work with threw it for me. So nice of them. :-)

Me Candace and Kayla (the baby)

Eating! It's what I'm best at!  
Some presents :-)

Guessing my belly size

Kayla helped me open all the presents!
LOVED this! It was a hooded towel that looked like a monster! ha!
Check out the wrapping paper... AND AWESOME shoes!
HORMONES! This little sheepy made me cry!
Eating AGAIN!
The people who came! :-) Minus Karina-- the girl who threw it for me.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Belly Pictures!

29 weeks preggo

Iwanted to show you the difference in my belly size in just 3 short weeks! It's amazing that it's still growing!!! I'm up to a 15 pound weight gain, and expect that I'll probably gain 5 or 6 more before the baby comes. We'll see!!!!
32 weeks preggo!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Wow! It's been so long since I've updated this... as you know we've been SUPER busy with Nate's family busy, and trying to prep the baby room...or at least decide how we want it set up. We're getting sooo close!!!
I wanted to show you the picture of the TV I smashed under my weight....

Obviously I weigh a lot more than I thought. And that was more than a month ago!!!!
Here is a picture of the Dresser we refinished.... I wish I had taken a picture of it before... but of course I forgot. :-/ Nate did a really good job on it though! :-)

I'm gunna take more pictures tonight so look for an update tomorrow! I LOVE YOU!!!